About US

Wet Mountain Animal Welfare exists to educate, advocate and support animal welfare in the Wet Mountain Valley.
WMAW provides assistance with:
Lost & Found
Pet Food for Animals in Need
Spay & Neuter * TNR * Vaccinations
Financial Assistance for Veterinary Care
Strategies to Keep Pets with Their Families
Fostering & Bottle-feeding
Our objectives include:
Promote the responsible and humane treatment of animals
Maintain an effective Lost & Found program to get pets back home as quickly and safely as possible
Build and operate an animal shelter in Silver Cliff/Westcliffe
Prioritize intake-prevention strategies with programs that support owners and caregivers
Help feed dogs and cats in need through the Pet Waggin’ Program
Assist with the re-homing
Provide financial assistance for spay/neuter, TNR, and emergency and other necessary veterinary care
Find homes for stray/abandoned animals
Assist pet owners with trainers/behaviorist advice and pet containment
Assist pet owners and caregivers who need temporary housing or care for their animals
Provide emergency housing for pets during local disasters
Promote and assist with the use of tags and microchips
Establish a robust foster care program
Assist in emergency cases of animal abuse/neglect
Network with shelters and rescue groups in Colorado
Wet Mountain Animal Welfare is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.
We assist in the quick reunion of animals and their owners when pets get lost. Our Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/WetMountainAnimalWelfare/) is open to all for Lost & Found postings. We also offer low-cost Micro Chipping and free checks for existing chips and registration or updating of chip information in a national microchip registry (More Information). We are not a shelter (yet) so we can not take in stray animals (yet). The nearest shelter is in Fremont County.
Feed Pets in Need
Pet Waggin
Help feed dogs and cats in need through the Pet Waggin pet food distribution program (More Information). Dog and Cat food donations always needed. (Donation Information)
Reunite & Re-Homing & Emergency
Custer County Animal Database
We have compiled a Custer County Animal Database (affiliated with the national database) so that we can quickly reunite animals with their owners when they get out. (More Information) We will be have regular clinics to read and implant chips. (More Information)

Promote the responsible and humane treatment of animals
Build an Animal Shelter in Custer County
Donate to the Shelter Fund
A major project is to build and operate an animal shelter in Silver Cliff/Westcliffe to house lost, stray, abandoned, surrendered and neglected animals. Visit our donations page to donate directly to the Shelter Fund to build an Animal Shelter in Silver Cliff that will service Custer County
Currently all Shelter needs must go through The Humane Society of Fremont County (Contact Them) .
Organize Foster homes and find homes for lost/abandoned animals and assist with the re-homing of pets for owners no longer able to take care of them. Also for short term housing during local disasters. We are currently in need of foster homes.(More Information)

Assist in emergency cases of animal abuse and neglect. Provide emergency housing for pets during local disasters (Volunteer)
We also strive to establish a strong working relationship with local law enforcement for emergency animal needs.